Dialektik (Dialectic)
- English
- Dialectic, or, The art of doing philosophy. A study edition of the 1811 notes, translated, with introduction and notes, by Terrence N. Tice, Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1996.
- Hermeneutics and Criticism. And Other Writings, transl. and ed. by Andrew Bowie, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998 (parts).
- French
- Dialectique. Pour une logique de la vérité. Présentation, trad. de l’allemand et notes par Christian Berner et Denis Thouard avec la collab. scientifique de Jean-Marc Tétaz, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf / Genève: Labor et fides, 1997.
- Italian
- Dialettica. Appunti dell’Autore (1822) e Nachschrift Kropatschek (corso 1822). In appendice gli appunti autografi della Dialettica (1814/15) e Introduzione alla Dialettica (1832/33), ed. Sergio Sorrentino, Torino: Trauben, 2004.
Hermeneutik (Hermeneutics)
- English
- Hermeneutics: The Handwritten Manuscripts, James Duke and Jack Forstman (trans.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1978 / Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1986. (Translation of Friedrich Schleiermacher: Hermeneutik, Heinz Kimmerle (ed.), 1959; second, revised edition, Heidelberg: Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1974.)
- Hermeneutics and Criticism, ed. Andrew Bowie, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. (Translation ofFriedrich Schleiermacher: Hermeneutik und Kritik, Manfred Frank (ed.), 1972; seventh edition, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1999.)
- French
- Herméneutique. Pour une logique du discours individuel, trad. Christian Berner, Paris: Le Cerf, 1987.
- Italian
- Ermeneutica, a cura di Massimo Marassi, Milano: Rusconi, 1996.
- Spanish
- Los discursos sobre hermenéutica, trad. Lourdes Flamarique, Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1999.
- Teoría Hermenéutica completa, edición, estudio y traducción de Rosario Martí Marco, Madrid: Instituto Juan Andrés, 2019.
- Portuguese
- Hermenêutica – Arte e Técnica da Interpretação, trad. Celso R Braida, Petrópolis: Vozes, 2010.
- Hermenêutica e Crítica. Vol. 1, Ijuí: UNIJUÍ (RS), 2005.
- Japanese
- Kaishakugaku no koso, Hisano Akira & Amano Masao (transl.), Ibunsha: Tokio, 1984.
- Korean
- Hermeneutik. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1974, translated by Hee-Wan Koo, Seoul: Yangseowon, 1992 (out of stock).
- Hermeneutik und Kritik. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977, translated by Shin-Hann Choi, Seoul: Cheolhak & Hyonsil, 2000.
Ethik (Ethics)
- English
- Introduction to Christian Ethics, translated by John C. Shelley, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989.
- Lectures on Philosophical Ethics, edited by Robert B. Louden, translated by Louise Adey Huish, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
- Brouillon zur Ethik/Notes on Ethics, translated by J. Wallhauser: Mellen, 2003.
- Selections from Schleiermacher’s Christian Ethics, ed. and trans. James Brandt, Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2011.
- French
- Éthique. Le «Brouillon sur l’éthique» de 1805-1806, trad. Christian Berner, Paris: Le Cerf, 2004.
- Italian
- Etica ed ermeneutica, a cura di Giovanni Moretto, Napoli: Bibliopolis, 1984.
Ästhetik (Aesthetics)
- French
- Esthétique. Tous les hommes sont des artistes, trad. Denis Thouard, Paris: Le Cerf, 2004.
- Italian
- Estetica, a cura di Paolo D’Angelo, Palermo: Aesthetica, 1988.
- Sul concetto dell’arte, a cura di Paolo D’Angelo, Palermo: Centro internazionale studi di estetica, 1988.
- Spanish
- Estética, trad. Antonio Lastra, Madrid: Ed. Verbum, 2004.
Monologen (Soliloquies)
- English
- Schleiermacher’s Soliloquies, translated by Horace Leland Friess, Chicago: Open Court, 1957.
- French
- Monologues, traduction de Louis Segond, Genève, 1837 (Zurich, Fr. Schulthess); Genève et Bâle: H. Georg, 1868.
- Monologues, traduit par Gilberte Godard, Paris, (thèse complémentaire de lettres, 1947).
- Italian
- Monologhi, trad. Cecilia Motzo Dentice di Accadia, Lanciano: R. Carabba, 2010.
- Monologhi. Un dono di Capodanno, a cura di Ferruccio Andolfi, Reggio Emilia: Diabasis, 2011.
- Spanish
- Monólogos, trad. Ramón Castilla, Buenos Aires: Aguilar, 1980.
- Monólogos, trad. Anna Poca i Casanova, Barcelona: Anthropos; Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, 1991.
- Japanese
- Dokugoroku, Kiba Ryōhon (transl.), Toadō-syoten, Tokio, 1915.
- Hitori omou, Suyama Tsutomu (transl.), Daito-syuppansha, 1934, 1939 (rev. ed.), 1949 (rev. ed.).
- Dokuhakuroku, Kiba Jinjyō (transl.), Iwanami-syoten, Tokio, 1943.
- Dokuhakuroku, Naruse Mugoku (transl.), Hokurukan, Tokio, 1949.
- Hitori omou; Seisyun e no okurimono, Akiyama Hideo (transl.), Kadokawa-shoten, Tokio, 1962.
- Hitori kataru, Kiba Jinjyō (transl.),Riso-sha, Tokio, 1980 (rev. ed. of 1943).
- Dokuhaku, Kiba Jinryō (transl.), Iwanami-syoten, Tokio, 1995 (rev. ed. of 1943).
- Danish
- Schleiermachers Monologer: en Nytaarsgave, Christian Winther, Kjøbenhavn: P.G. Philipsen, 1847.
Über die Religion (On Religion)
- English
- On religion: addresses in response to its cultured critics, translated by Terrence Tice, Richmond: John Knox Press, 1969.
- On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers (1799), translated and edited by Richard Crouter, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
- On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers (1821), translated and edited by John Oman, Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1994.
- French
- Discours sur la religion à ceux de ses contempteurs que sont des esprits cultivés (1799), trad. Julien Rouge, Paris-Aubier: Éditions Montaigne, 1944.
- De la Religion. Discours aux personnes cultivées d’entre ses mépriseurs (1799), trad. par Bernard Reymond, Paris: Van Dieren Éditeur, 2004.
- Italian
- Discorsi sulla religione e Monologhi, trad., pref. e note a cura di Gaetano Durante, Firenze: Sansoni, 1947.
- Sulla religione. Discorsi a quegli intellettuali che la disprezzano, a cura di Salvatore Spera, Brescia: Queriniana, 1989.
- Spanish
- Sobre la religión: discursos a sus menospreciadores cultivados, trad. Arsenio Ginzo Fernández, Madrid: Tecnos, 1990.
- Portuguese
- Sobre a Religião, trad. Daniel Costa, São Paulo: Fonte Editorial, 2000.
- Danish
- Om religionen: taler til de dannede blandt dens foragtere (1799), Birgit Berggrensson, Frederiksberg: Aros, 2010.
- Japanese
- Syukyoron (1799), Ishihara Ken (transl.), Uchidarokakuho, Tokio, 19141, 19192, 19223.
- Sykyokowa (1799), Koma Senshiro (transl.), in: Sekaidaishisozensyu, Nr. 20, Syunjyusya, Tokio, 1929.
- Syukyoron (1799), Toyokawa Noboru (transl.), Sogensya, Tokio, 1948.
- Syukyoron (1799), Nitoda Rokusaburo (transl.), Cogitosya, Tokio, 1948.
- Syukyoron (1799), Sano Katsuya und Jiro Ishii (transl.), Iwanamisyoten, Tokio, 1949.
- Syukyoron (1799), Syukyo wo karonzuru kyoyojin he no kowa, Takahashi Hideo (transl.), in: Sekaibungakutaikei, Nr. 77, Chikuma- syobo, Tokio, 1963, 1991 (rev. ed.).
- Syukyo ni tsuite (1799), Fukai Tomoaki (transl.), Syunjyusya, Tokio, 2013.
- Korean
- Über die Religion. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 61967, translated by Shin-Hann Choi, Seoul: Handl, 1997/ The Christian Literature Society of Korea, 2002.
Über die verschiedenen Methoden des Übersetzens (On the Different Methods of Translation)
- English
- “On the Different Methods of Translation” (1813), trans. André Lefevere, in: German Romantic Criticism, ed. A. Leslie Willson, New York: Continuum, 1982. (This is a good translation of Schleiermacher’s essay though unfortunately it omits an important footnote on the translation of verse.)
- French
- Des différentes méthodes du traduire, trad. Antoine Berman, Christian Berner, Paris: Seuil 1999.
- Spanish
- Sobre los diferentes métodos de traducir, trad. de V. García Yebra, Madrid: Gredos, 2000.
Einleitung zur Platon-Übersetzung (Introductions to Plato)
- English
- Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato, William Dobson (trans.), Cambridge and London: Pitt Press, Deighton, and Parker, 1836.
- French
- Introductions aux Dialogues de Platon (1804-1828) – Leçons d’histoire de la philosophie (1819–1823). Suivies des textes de Friedrich Schlegel relatifs à Platon, trad. Marie-Dominique Richard, Paris: Le Cerf, 2004.
- Italian
- Introduzione a Platone, a cura di Giuliano Sansonetti, Brescia: Morcelliana, 1994.
- Portuguese
- Introduçao a os diálogos de Plato, trad. Georg Otte, Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2002.
Der christliche Glaube (The Christian Faith)
- English
- The Christian Faith in Outline (2nd ed. of Der Christliche Glaube, 1830–1), condensed presentation tr. and ed. by George Cross, The Theology of Friedrich Schleiermacher. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1911.
- The Christian Faith in Outline (2nd ed. of Der Christliche Glaube, 1830–1), outline tr. by Donald Macpherson Baillie, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1922.
- The Christian Faith, translated by H. R. Mackintosh and J.S. Stewart, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1989.
- Christian Faith, edited and translated by Terrence Tice, Catherine Kelsey, and Edwina Lawler, 2 vols., Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2016.
- French
- La foi chrétienne d’après les principes de la réforme, trad. David Tissot; Raoul Allier, Paris: E. de Boccard, [1930?].
- La cohérence de la foi chrétienne, trad. Bernard Reymond, Genève: Labor et fides, 2018.
- Italian
- La dottrina della fede esposta sistematicamente secondo i principi fondamentali della chiesa evangelica, trad. Sergio Sorrentino, 2 vol., Brescia: Paideia, 1981–1985.
- Introduzione alla dottrina della fede Cristiana, trad. Armido Rizzi, Padova: EMP, 2000.
- Spanish
- La fe cristiana: expuesta coordinadamente según los principios de la Iglesia Evangélica, trad. Constantino Ruiz-Garrido, Salamanca: Sígueme, 2013.
- Japanese
- Kirisutokyoshinko (2nd ed. 1820/31), Imai Susumu (transl.), Hakusuisha, in: Gendai kirisutokyo shiso soho, Nr. 1, Hakusuisya, Tokyo, 1974, pp. 125–196 (partial translation).
- Shinkoron, Gekan, „Kirisutoron“ (2nd ed. 1820/31), Matsui Mutsumi (transl.), Shalom-insatsu, Tokio, 2013 (vol. 1), 2014 (vol. 2) (partial translation).
- Kirisutokyoshinko (2nd ed. 1820/31), Yasukata Toshimasa (transl.), Kyobunkan, Tokio, 2020.
- Kirisutokyoshinko (2nd ed. 1820/31), Takamori Akira (transl.), unpublished.
- Korean
- Der christliche Glaube 1821-1822. Vol. I, Berlin: de Gruyter, 1984, translated by Shin-Hann Choi, Seoul: Hangilsa, 2006.
Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums (Brief Outline of the Study of Theology)
- English
- Brief Outline of the Study of Theology, translated by William Farrer, Wipf and Stock; Reprint Edition, 2007.
- Brief Outline of the Study of Theology, translated by Terrence Tice, Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2011.
- French
- Le Statut de la théologie. Bref exposé, trad. Bernard Kaempf, Paris: Le Cerf, 1994.
- Italian
- Lo studio della teologia: breve presentazione, trad. Roberto Osculati, Brescia: Queriniana, 1978.
- Japanese
- Shingakutsuron (1830), Kato Tsuneaki (transl.), Kyobunkan, Tokio, 1962.
- Shingakutsuron (1811/1830), Kato Tsuneaki & Fukasi Tomoaki (transl.), Kyobunkan, Tokio, 2009.
Predigten (Sermons)
- English
- Selected Sermons, edited by W. Robertson Nicoll, translated by Mary F. Wilson, Wipf & Stock, 2004. (Previously published 1880).
- Servant of the Word: Selected sermons of Friedrich Schleiermacher, translated by Dawn De Vries, Fortress, 1987.
- The Christian household: a sermonic treatise, translation of the 1820 and 1826 editions, with essays and notes by Dietrich Seidel and Terrence N. Tice. Lewiston N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1991.
- Fifteen Sermons of Friedrich Schleiermacher Delivered to Celebrate the Beginning of a New Year, edited and translated by Edwina Lawler, Mellen, 2003.
- Friedrich Schleiermacher’s interpretation of the Epistle to the Colossians: a series of sermons (1830-1831), translated by Buran F. Phillips, Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.
- Danish
- Friedrich Schleiermachers Prædikener om det christelige Huusliv, overs. af Christian Winther, Kbh, 1839.
- Japanese
- Sekkyo rokuhen, Fukami Shigeru (transl.), in: Gendai kirisutokyo shiso soho, Nr. 1, Hakusuisha, Tokio, 1974, pp. 7–123.
Wybrane gorzowskie kazania. Ausgewählte Landsberger Predigten, Tadeusz Kuźmicki, Joanna Dubiec-Stach, Tobias Kirchhof (Red. / Hrsg.), Gorzów Wielkopolski: Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zbigniewa Herberta, 2024. pdf
Weihnachtsfeier (Christmas Eve)
- English
- Christmas Eve: A Dialogue on the Incarnation (Die Weihnachtsfeier: Ein Gespräch, 1826), text tr. by W. Hastie, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1890.
- Christmas Eve Celebration: A Dialogue, edited and translated by Terrence Tice, Cascade, 2010.
- Christmas Dialogue, Second Speech, and Other Selections, edited and translated by Julia Lamm, Classics of Western Spirituality series, Paulist Press, 2014.
- French
- La fête de Noël: dialogue, trad. David Tissot, Paris: Fischbacher, 1892.
- Italian
- La festa di Natale: un dialogo, trad. Giovanni Moretto, Brescia: Queriniana, 1994.
- Danish
- Jule-Festen, Th Schorn, Kbh., 1842.
- Korean
- Weihnachtsfeier. Zürich: Manesse, 1989, translated by Shin-Hann Choi, Seoul: Munsa, 2001.
Other writings
- English
- “On the Discrepancy between the Sabellian and Athanasian Method of Representing the Doctrine of the Trinity”, trans. Moses Stuart, in: The Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer in two parts: vol. 5, no. 18 (April 1835): 266-353; and vol. 6, no. 19 (July 1835): 1-116.
- On Freedom, translated by Albert Blackwell, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.
- On the Highest Good, translated by H. Victor Froese, Lewiston: Mellen, 1992.
- On the Worth of Life (Über den Wert des Lebens), trans. E. Lawlor, T. N. Tice. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1995.
- On What Gives Value to Life, translated by Edwina Lawler and Terence Tice, Lewiston: Mellen, 1995.
- On Creeds, Confessions And Church Union: “That They May Be One”, tr. Iain G. Nicol, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press 2004.
- On the Doctrine of Election, translated by Iain G. Nicol and Terrence Tice, Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.
- Toward a Theory of Sociable Conduct, translated by R.D. Richardson, Lewiston: Mellen, 1995.
- Occasional Thoughts on Universities in a German Spirit, trans. T.N. Tice and E. Lawler, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen, 1991.
- Schleiermacher on Workings of the Knowing Mind, ed. Ruth Drucilla Richardson, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen, 1998. (This volume includes a translation of Schleiermacher’s 1799 review of Kant’s Anthropology.)
- “Idea for a catechism of reason for noble ladies” (1798), in: Lucinde and the Fragments, trans. P. Firchow, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1999. Fragment 364: 220–221. Original German “Idee zu einem Katechismus der Vernunft für edle Frauen” published in the Athenaeum 1798, available in KGA I.2, xxxviii, 153–4.
- A Critical Essay on the Gospel of Luke (Über die Schriften des Lukas: ein kritischer Versuch, 1817). London: Taylor, 1825. (online: https://archive.org/details/gospelofstluke00schluoft/page/n5/mode/2up).
- Luke – A Critical Study, translation, with an Introduction by Connop Thirlwall, with further Essays, Emendations and Other Apparatus by Terrence N. Tice. Schleiermacher: Studies and Translations, Vol. 13. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1993.
- The Life of Jesus, edited by Jack Verheyden, translated by Gilmour, Sigler press, 1997.
- Letters on the occasion of the political theological task and the Sendschreiben (Open letter) of Jewish heads of households, translated, with an introd., by Gilya G. Schmidt, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2001.
- Schleiermacher’s “To Cecilie” and other writings by and about Schleiermacher, ed. by Ruth Drucilla Richardson, New Athenaeum, 6.2001, Lewiston: Edward Mellen Press, 2001.
- “Note on the Knowledge of Freedom (1790–1792)”, ‘‘Notes on Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason (probably from 1789)’’, and ‘‘Review of Immanuel Kant’s Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1799)”, translated by J. Mariña, in: New Athenaeum/Neues Athenaeum, 5 (1998), pp. 11–31.
- On the Glaubenslehre: Two Letters to Dr. Lücke, translated by James Duke and Francis Fiorenza, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1981.
- French
- Conférences sur l’éthique, la politique et l’esthétique: 1814-1833, trad. Jean-Marc Tétaz, Genève: Labor et Fides, 2011.
- Italian
- La confessione di Augusta, a cura di Roberto Osculati, Padova: EMP, 1982
- Scritti filosofici, a cura di Giovanni Moretto, Torino: UTET, 1998
- Lezioni di Pedagogia (1826), a cura di Ignazio Volpicelli, Firenze: La Nuova Italia, 1999.
- Il valore della vita, a cura di Sergio Sorrentino, Genova: Marietti, 2000.
- L’insegnamento della storia, a cura di Hagar Spano, in: Persona 2 (2011), Napoli: Liguori, 2011.
- Sull’università, trad. Lucio D’Alessandro, Napoli: Città del sole, 1995.
- L’amore romantico: lettere intime sulla “Lucinde” di F. Schlegel, tradotte da E. De Ferri, Bari: Laterza, 1928.
- Lucinde: lettere confidenziali sulla “Lucinde” di Friedrich Schlegel di Friedrich Daniel Schleiermacher, Pordenone: Studio Tesi, 1985.
- Danish
- Udvalgte Høitidsprædikener, I L Rohmann, Odense, 1840.
- Friedrich Schleiermacher: Filosofi, teologi, pædagogik: udvalgte tekster, Peter Grove; Anders Moe Rasmussen; Peter Widman, Århus: Philosophia, 2010.
- Japanese
- Kokkakenryoku to kyokai; Daigakuron, Kyoikugakukogi-josetsu (Pädagogik Vorlesungen 1826), Umene Satoru und Umene Eiichi (transl.), in: Sekai kyoiku sensyu, Nr. 17, Meijitoshosyuppan, Tokio, 1961 (partial translation).
- Kyoikugakukogi (Pädagogik Vorlesungen 1826), Nagai Kazuo (transl.), Nishimura Hiroshi, Tamagawadaigakusyuppan, Machida 1966, 1999 (rev. ed., in: Seiyo no kyoiku shiso, Nr. 10).
- Kokkakenryoku to kyokai: Daigakuron, Kyoikugakukogi-josetsu (Universitätsschriften[?]), Umene Satoru & Umene Eiichi (transl.), in: Sekai kyoiku sensyu, Nr. 17, Meijitoshosyuppan, Tokio, 1961.
- Doitsutekidaigakuron (Universitätsschriften[?]), Fukai Tomoaki (transl.), in: Tenkanki wo yomu, Nr. 25, Miraisya, Tokio, 2016.
- Shinkoron, Gekan, „Kirisutoron“ (Sendschreiben über seine Glaubenslehre an Lücke), Matsui Mutsumi (transl.), Shalom-insatsu, Bd. 2, Tokio, 2014.
- Kirisutokyoshinko no bensho: „Shinkoron“ ni kansuru Lücke ate no nistu no tegami (Sendschreiben über seine Glaubenslehre an Lücke), Yakusata Toshimasa (transl.), Chisenshobo, Tokio, 2015.